Friday, July 27, 2007 | 10:28 PM
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ytd was one of de worst daes at skul.
got my name in MD for 2 tyms on tt dae, for small tings. WTH.
dhen kip getting scolded.
really sian diao tt dae.
dhere's so much tests and hwork, freaking.
mdm tia went and gave so much hwork for punishment larrs, jus becos i didnt bring de chinese file content page.. IDIOTIC!
im too busy this weekend to accomodate so mani hworks lorrs.
dun feel lyk blogging or doing anitng liaos.
lately de mood has been in de bottom becos of certain tings. haiish...
(y did de stupid tears fall for that matter? wat happened to mi? so lousy!)
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Friday, July 20, 2007 | 3:24 AM
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going safra!
2 dae camp was so fun~
sec2s all went safraclub at mt. faber. ^^
OMG i jus LOVE it man. ><
lots of pics canot take, lyk water activities, which is de best!!!
hafta wait ppl send mi dhen i post kkaes.
so fun until now i no voice liaos, shout and scream dao mad.
2k rawks foreva~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.............................. ((((((((X

assembly, cheering!

grace, qy, ys.

bernice & olivia.

yeahh BOWLING! actually go trekking de butthen bad weather, so woohoo!(X

brenda & ME~

annies bowling.


bowling balls. ><

2K guys.

wenjia eating ys chips.

lols. wallets.

hunt differences de game at the bowling alley. OMG its so fun worrhs!!<33>

lunch, dhey eat chicken rice.

and mi vegetarian, so pathetic. i dun tink its totally veggie de larrs. ]:
my sis at OBS eat even bettr dhan mi lorrs, stupid... ><

i onli had chance to take swim pool. )x


brenda & me again. de pic veri blur.
didnt haf chance to take amzing race pics too cos we were lyk running around so busy,
of cos no tym... sadly.

hahas, de ai1 xin1 drink made for game zong1 ji2 mi4 ma3! nice rites~ >>.<<

plae card games! SLAPJACK

alvin trying to be pro magician.. =.=

ending tt tym, de teachers and instructors in front.



lols. xD

picking confetti and throwing. ><

taking bus bac to skul.

on bus. oops, vann closed her eyes....

todae, breaking camp soon.

alvin, zi4lian4 freak and act cute....

orrhhorrhs.. eating in class!

huijie, leehui, bren, me and vann!!!
2k much more bonded aftr dhis lerrs! i can feel it. ^o^
aftr tt went to vivo eat, tok, plae.
took lots of boliaos pics, its so fun!
shall post when brenda sends mi de pics.
woohoo! still high~
hafta go liaos, going out latr at 10.00pm to airport.
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Wednesday, July 18, 2007 | 5:58 AM
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tml is camp lerrs~!
WOOHOO. sofun. but sadly this means de end to this slacking week... ]:
todae was so interesting, alot of tings happened. xDD
morning go take 963 dhen extremely full marrhs, veri difficult to squeeze up.
dhen got one lao3 ah bei4, he buay song kip scolding vulgarities in dialect lyk chi....................... dan4. lols.
de most funny ting came when he saed veri loudly FCK U.
its lyk de nanhua guy students all laugh out loud.
dhen mi and hj were lyk trying not to laugh out.
i mean, FCK is more of our generation de ppl will scold de ting marrhs.
dhen tt ah bei4 was tt type wear thickthick specs oldold one, veri funny larrs. >< hahas.
skul, went for cip, we were supposed to look for mozzies in tanglin area.
which according to them is veri safe sure dun haf mozzie de..... =.="
alvin dhey all sae dhere area live one physco.
he will use hammer go and bang dents onto de back of letter boxes, OMG.
dhen we saw de letter box, disfigured dao veri kong3 bu4.
dhen past his hse, de windows all chao1 rusty one.
dhey sae mr suresh sae dun go near dhere.
so scary nia. O.O
we split into grps dhen go to blocks floor by floor see de pots and corriders got any collecting water.
it was quite easy larrs, listen mp3 dhen jus walk and look.
alvin damn kpo larrs, walk past ppl hse must look inside dhen shuang one...
dhen got one hse de dog crazy one.
i walk past tt tym, he onli bark lyk siao.
dhen alvin and vann walk past it chiong forward and bang itself on de metal grille and bark lyk mad.
hahs, xia4 dao both of dhem. :P
our class most fast to finish checking de blocks.
lols, cos most of them jus slacked.... ._.
zhiliang's grp saw someting "restricted" in one of de ppl's hse.
dhere was a gurl on de floor, guy on top....................
de door was lyk wide open, BUTthen dhey still wearing clothes larrs.
how freakish and disgusting, heng they havent do it yet.... OPPS. O.O
went bpp wif bren and vann.
roars, veri yi2 han4 nevr get to go wif 14ppl of class to queensway.
arrh~ nvmms.....
dhey went long john, dhen i eat i bring de food.
dhen i realised i bring de spoon GONE.
mytian, someone actually dun steal wallet steal a metal spoon!! lols.
dhen i did someting i nevr done b4 n my whole life.
i ate my fan4 cai4 wif a plastic FORK.....
but i pro okkae, i nevr leave a single rice even tho eat wif a fork so pathetic.
i go home broke anuthr record.
i ate NINE 9 chunks of corn!
OMG larrs, i eat until i wanna die liaos lorrs.
how disgusting, I HATE CORN~ Dx
now packing for tml 2dae camp at skul! [;
yayyes, we shall not sleep tml, YEAHHS. ^o^
all gurls sleep in hall, de wushu peeps shall gather~
we shall plaeplaeplaeplaeplaeplaeplaeplaeplaeplaeplae.
dun care de teachrs! bleahs.
kkaes, gotta go prepare lerrs.
QIANGGER OF RVWUSHUXST<3*yeaps. otho still havent totally make a com bac, but much better mood lerrs! x)))
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Tuesday, July 17, 2007 | 4:33 AM
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the idiocy of this whole thing!
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Monday, July 16, 2007 | 11:33 PM
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im EXTREMELY PISSED OF NOW!!! ><ROARS~ROARS~ROARS~stupid fucking asshole shit teacher nia.go little india i wear pe and blue skirt kip telling mi tuckin tuckin.
dhen go bac to skul dismiss liaos she sae i veri bu4 guai1 wan mi go toilet tuck properly.
come out she still sae no gd. tell mi go again.
WTH. dhen i really haf to tuckin lyk some idiot liddat.
dhen i com out she toktoktoktoktoktok about wat i spoil image of skul outside.
damn shit larrs, noone cares when u dun tuck in de shirt can. =.= sai4.
dhen she see my socks.
tts wat made mi really damn pissed.
she ask y not rv socks and so low one?
lols. not mi fault can.
mi socks drop out of de window mi prob arrhs?
dhen she buay song lorrs.
sae wat she oredi gif mi alot of chances todae lerrs come wif her.
waste my tym larrs!
she turn and i point de finger lorrs.
crazy freak.
dhen she bring mi to staffroom tell mi buy socks, $2.50.
some other dae canot arrhs issit.
i no $$ liaos still rob mi.
dhen she wan mi change immediately de socks.
i wear lorrs.
dhey sae can see rv logo bu4 jiu4 can liaos lorrs?
i pull abit lower, still covering de ankle she not happy.
sae some crap wat y u leave de cloth in front liddat?
dhen she threaten mi to call mr chua to help mi wear de socks.
dhen she walk awae, to scare mi dhen com bac again.
she walk awae i saed loudly FUCK. lols. outside de staffroom but i dun care.
and for de first tym in my life i pulled my socks all de wae up.
OMG lorrs, even SCs dun pull all de wae can.
wanyan and tony were dhere looking for teachr and dhey were lyk,
tip-toeing upwards to show rv logo on socks. lols.><
aftr tt she wan mi sae sry, dhen thks for her teaching mi how to wear socks.
wasted so much of mi tym, wanted go dance studio see de hiphop de lorrs.
its lyk, can see rv logo can liaos larrs.
make such a big fuss out of it.
she sucks lyk hell.
dhen plus campusSUPERSTAR shawn and huixian got in.
shawn GOOD.
butthen i wan elaine bac, she sing SO NICE.]:
i dun wan watch gurls de liaos. ><
tml got tanhuizhen remedial, STUPID PHYSICS.
nid to do lorrs, dhen tml oso passup mths.
tml CIP dae nid go find mozzies.........
cant wait for thurs and fri de camp.
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| 2:37 AM
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im so happy i got into hiphop for enrichment!!! ><
todae so cool can. de dance teacher was damn funny. ^^ hes a professional dancer, dance with stars lyk linjunjie and blahblahblahh b4. so nice larrs. dhen he earn alot of $$ de and he gets sponsored by addidas and so on.... O.O so shuang. we were in dance studio. we learnt alot of basic stuffs at first. evrione at first all veri paiseh dun dare do. cos it involves chest isolation, hip isolation blahh. according to teacher its not sexual but sexy, theres difference. >< dhen slowly evrione start to be more fang4. all these teqhniques can make ppl learn until sweat one worrhs, in air-con.
yeahh dhen we started learning hiphop dance. IT IS DAMN COOL AND FUN~ XOXOXOXO we learnt rain de dance, i tink is im coming. it so shiok can. its not extremely hard lorrs. dhen u dance wif da music is real shuang de feeling. lunch break tt tym we never eat alot go bac kip dancedancedance. i just love it~~~~
aftr tt we change to learn lyrical jazz. its softer and slower dance, which is lyk a dance form of sign language. de dance movements all match wif de song de. we danced to 'this is love'. dhis one more graceful, dhen its chao1 EMO de can. if not emo de dance veri strange. >><< to prepare for this dance we did ballet stuffs and lots of flexibility stuffs! yayyes. even got abit yoga worrhs. it rawks. but i prefer hiphop!
aftr tt anuthr class which oso got learn lyrical jazz and hiphop com dhen we performed wat we learnt. wa dhey learn one horrhs got alot of butt shaking and hip rotating. hahas. must be daring to do it nia.
why onli one dae of enrichment????????????????? nofair. must haf two daes marrhs. haiish. i realise im still into dance. i still lyk it alot!!! xP so much fun todae. hiphop is de coolest.
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Sunday, July 01, 2007 | 7:07 AM
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doing HISTORY now. had buddhist class todae.
for the first tym in my life i try to post some pics. lolx. ><

wushu hub cup!

raawhhs~ soCUTE!

idiot asshole= zhiguang.

hahs, ahwen. cute too~[:

mi n my sis small de photo. xDD noe hu is hu?

shihui and yingying.

zhikai make ball float. lolx.

ahyan bully zhikai. wowness.... =.=
kkaes. hafta go liaos. sleepy.
post more nxt tym.
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