Wednesday, August 29, 2007 | 6:34 AM
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been quiet for a longlong tym. im BUSY u noe.
i wanna retire frm skul liaos, so much hworks, tests and assignments at one go,
im suffocating in the avalanche... *sobs dramatically* )X
haiish, dhen my grade8 jus has to fall on de same dae as my sci exam,
which means aftr tt exam, i hafta go to take piano de.
im not shen2 u noe, i haf SO MANY TINGS to revise and pia for,
i plus piano, the great leap forward frm grade5 to 8, i definitely will fail smting.
my piano canot de, and to pass, i hafta lyk practice duno how long a dae?
i haf no tym! i also canot fail my studies.
its mao2 dun4, lyk de piano exam so ex, nevr pass a total waste of lyk so much$$.
but i lousy for eoys how i move one to sec3?
plus my position in skul team relies on my studies lehhs.
TIME is so important.
but if i jus workpracticeworkpracticeworkpractice,
i will suffer frm
which leads to
dhen i will go
causing de
dhen condition worsens i may become a
or i may go
and dhen
see the seriousness?........
okae LOL. see im going crazy liaos.
de-stressing u noe. >.<
fridae's teachr's dae celebration,
feel lyk going bac, wanna see mrs wong!
and i wonder how all my classmates haf changed. hahas. :D
i shall stop tinking bout work for awhile and appreciate that,
at least holidaes are coming!
gonna be fun, esp wif 2k~! xD
;love wushu
maebbe i look damn energetic and crazy, im okae wif everyting, yeah I AM.
but sometyms i really feel i need a person i would really dare to freely tell ANYTING tt i need to, including de embarassing stuffs.
i canot find a person whom i can freely open up to. SIGH.
maebbe im tinking too much, i should tink of some othr way than posting this rite.
im really mad liaos, hafta be careful not to become a vegetable.
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Monday, August 27, 2007 | 6:38 AM
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List out your top 5
birthday presents that you wish for:
1) be happyyyyyyy~!
2) no more stress, no more piano!
3) get to learn what i wanna learn!
4) unlimited supply of chocolates and junk foods! xD
5) warm wishes frm all whom i love! ^^
Answer the following questions :
1. The person who tag you is? LAOPO SHIHUI. hahas.
2. Your relationship with him/her is? obviious.
3. Your 5 impressions of him/her?
chiobu, fun, crazy smtyms, warm, friendly!
4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you? hmmm, shes done too many tings. >.<
5. The most memorable words he/she had said to you? hahahahahahahahaha?
6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will? oh umm.....
7. If he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be? turn into male? OOPS...
8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will? wait till the sun rises frm the east.
9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be? dunos.
10. The most desire thing you want to do for him/her now is? return the $$ i owe her? =.="
11.Your overall impression of him/her is? YAYYYEEEES~ extremely nice. ;D
12.How you think people around you will feel about you? im crazy?
13.The character you love of yourself are? erms, dunos.
14.On the contrary, the characters you hate of yourself are? smtyms i get pissed easily..
15.The most ideal person you want to be is? CHENXI.
16.Pass this quiz to 10 persons.
17.Who is no.6{LIXUAN}having relationship with? i dunos.
18.Is no.9{CHER}a male or female? female.
19.If no.7{XIAOXI}and 10{CHUYE}are together, will it be a good thing? um, i duno how to comment on this...
20.How about no.8{SZEFAN}and 5{GRACE}? hahas, alien and grace. but sf lyks smone else...
21.What is no.2{ZHENXI}studying about? bio, double humans.......lols.
22.When was the last time you had a chat with no.3{ELISA}? today? in skul, toking counted?
23.What kind of music band does no.8{SZEFAN} like? dunos.
24.Does no.1{ZIYI}has any siblings? yeps, one lil' sister, damn cute. hahas.
25.Will you woo no.3{ELISA}? shes chio, but i AHEM, wuld not be so despo larrs...
26.Is no.4 single{ALICIA}? cant confirm tt. OPPS.>< 27.What's the surname of no.5{GRACE}? tong! 28.What's the hobby of no.4{ALICIA}? horses[: ninja-do?[:
29.Do no.5{GRACE}and 9{CHER}get along well? they duno each other, do they?
30.Where is no.2{ZHENXI}studying at? rvhs.
31.Talk something casually about no.1{ZIYI}? shes lyk a baby? but smacks real hard. violent babies.
32.Have you try developing feelings for no.8{SZEFAN}? HAHAHAS. LOLS!
33.Where does no.9{CHER}live at? aint sure...
34.What color does no.4{ALICIA}like? hmms...
35.Are no.5{GRACE}and 1{ZIYI}best friends? duno each other.
36.Does no.7{XIAOXI}likes no.2{ZHENXI}? maebbe, when they get to meet??
37.How do you get to know no.2{ZHENXI}? okae LOLS. shes my sis...
38.Does no.1{ZIYI}have any pets? no i tink.
39.Is no.10{CHUYE}the sexiest person in the world? OH err, no comments.
;loves wushu
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Saturday, August 18, 2007 | 4:51 AM
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hahas, nuthing to do, long tym nevr update liaos...><
ohno, tests and EOYs are coming lerrs ppl! must start to pia!
i diedie for nxt week's algebra and chem test, i dun understand totally at all...]:
now not at home, outside! coping othrs wireless. SHHHH!
i go read my hwork liaos(haas, so guai1).
;loves wushu
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Tuesday, August 07, 2007 | 6:58 AM
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:] I JUST LOVE THE DEAR PPL FROM RVWUSHUXST~!!!!!i seriously love them lots<333!
like todae, for a reason, my mood was on low, dhen was lyk 全身发冷, very, um, sad.
usually hyper and noisy de me becom a "walking zombie", lols.
no one made me laugh u noe.
until latr wif my lovely juniors, beloved 同辈s, dear seniors,
they really made me laugh can, i culd forget the bad, the mood was turned on high.
ppl lyk
francis(tho really idiotic and shameless),
jiale jie,
huixian(o-neh! xP)
all the other teamates frm 立化武术醒狮团!!!!!!! ^^
i shall alwaes treasure the team man.
nevr regretted coming into this RAWKING team!
love u guys. ;DDDD
&also some othr reason kept back my mood, but tts private&confidential! lols.>< [towushuwithlove<3] size="1">QIANGGER OF RVWUSHUXST<3
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