Friday, September 28, 2007 | 10:21 PM
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its all over liaos!piano, eoys and blahblahblah....!!!
okkae, there are still eng & chi larrs, but not much ting to study de.
ytd piano exam was a disaster.
i tink de examinor must be stunned at me and my sis,
tink we shuld be taking grade 4 or smting barrhs...
i practically mind blanked and my scales and everyting else all messed up.
the studio damn cold can, fingers freeze liaos larrs... >.<
definitely fail de, i lyk everything also dunos liddat,
i tink aural is zero worrhs....
really sry to mom, de whole exam was lyk so ex, daylight robbery!
fine, WHATEVER. its over, tts the most important ting.
but mom lied to me!!!
she sae after de crazy grade8 exam dunit plae piano lerrs.
seems lyk its not true, she just told me to continue practice hard de exam pieces,
and tt she still will call de piano teachr come.
OMG, WTH. tot i was totally free liaos, I DONT WANNA PLAE PIANO ANYMORE.
go to hell piano~ Dx
lets stop brooding about these mood-dampening stuff.
the most important ting is its so much stress gone.
u wont imagine how de DAMN HELL HAPPY I AM.
everyting good is gonna start again, at last~!!! ^^
wushu, holidays and many more! (X
ive decided to make it my life's ambition to make everything bad become happy stuff,
basically, try to always be happy! (:
hahas, this easier said than done... >.<
to all sad ppl and ppl complaining about how lousy their life is:
ppl in singapore are one of de most lucky ppl in the world. look, we dont get starved, we get a roof, nice clothes and actually our skuls are very good already compared to other countries (exceptioning the fact tt its damn crazy and hectic sometyms...). always look tings frm the good side. troubles and stress, are just hurdles for us to become better and more experienced, isnt it! learn to appreciate everyting, life's wonderful~~~! xD
actually, this also easier said than done larrs..........
hahas, whats happened to me,
toking such cheem and adult stuff...
gone crazy. >.< lols.
;loves wushu
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007 | 3:58 AM
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i have a WILD, AMAZING and INCREDIBLE imagination.
oh lol.
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Monday, September 10, 2007 | 8:11 AM
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im becoming a human hosepipe. im shocked at myself, i was NOT like that. so many things to fret and worry about, im busted.
im gonna fail all my stuff, no way to pass in such a short space of time, cant cope. i think i think too much about stuff le, everything frm skul to own stuff, getting crazy. my imagination is flourishing now.
okae, wish me luck i wont go emotionally unstable, i think im seriously going in that direction. can i just fall asleep and dont wake up until after this skul term. i duno how im gonna face it. i suck too much in all the stuff.
i need a break from EVERYTHING.
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Saturday, September 08, 2007 | 5:32 PM
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i cant believe i actually CRIED. how lousy.
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Friday, September 07, 2007 | 9:18 PM
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i just LOOOOOOOVEE the west malaysia trip.
yayy, 2K! xD
hahas, i lazy post de pics todae.
shall post in detail some other dae~! x)
;love wushu
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