Saturday, May 31, 2008 | 5:50 AM
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ok im back frm vietnam already, for 2days?
im lazy to talk too much, mostly wat i can say is that:
it was fun, damn interesting! XD
the teachers lied when they said there would be a meager amount of shopping time,
cos we spent most of the time shopping.......... -.-
haggling and bargaining is fun! ^^
vietnam is a motorcycle heaven and crossing roads there is just like putting your life at stake...
i shall just let pictures do the talking.
i'll try to post as many as possible. >.<

go facebook see the pics luh....
blogger got problem cant upload properly..... >.<
okok, very late liao.
going to sleep.
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Thursday, May 22, 2008 | 6:09 AM
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i always abandon my blog. -.-
ok i use chinese blog:
感觉很没有准备,感觉就像我星期天只是要去malaysia而已。*tut tut*
sian, sunday早上三点就要爬起来,5.15am 就要到机场 terminal1 le! 我saturday从早上到晚上还要帮忙一些佛教的活动。friday 还留在学校很迟。
okok, im back to normal.
the main point is,
I HAVENT PREPARED A SINGLE THING FOR THE VIETNAM TRIP.i mean really nothing, not the littlest bit of thing.
and im missing like THREE trainings becos of the trip.
ARGH, and its the training for nationals can, plus nxt mon jiaolian deciding all ppl's tao4lu4, and i aint raise opinion for my tao4lu4!!! )X
ok moving on to other stuff.
mid-year results!! should be getting tml if dora does come.
my fate depends on it. if it turns out to be very lousy then i dunit go 2K chalet and wushu camp liao. D:
another important point i wanna make:
gosh, the amount of things i have to pay for.... DX
i also dun dare ask my mom liao lah...
vietnam trip total cost(including the tips and wateva): $697
class tee: $21
class fund: $4
wushu camp(hey, im paying full tho im going half.): ): $25
class chalet(going half also, sian both clash mah.): duno worh i tink nid at least $30
OBS: $195
still got some other stuff really.
TOTAL: $972!!!!!!!!!!
ok sian, i duno how lah. and can i like plead those "creditors" to be more kindly to this debtor.
plsplsplsplsplsplspls~~~~~~ ok.
im in the complainy mood again.
better go off liao, still got tonnes of stuff to do...
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Friday, May 16, 2008 | 7:27 PM
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ARGH!im pissed.
damnit, i shouldnt have been so guai1 and listen to my mom, i should have rebelled ferociously!!
arrh, now my long hair is back into the fugly hairstyle i had in primary school. DX
its ridiculously short can... )X
i hate it lah. ): i feel so uncomfortable. i feel
sobs, duno how long then can grow back into the original length, must be very long time.. TT.TT
sobs sobs sobs~ );
i no mood to post on anything else liao lah.
i emo liao lah.
stupid hair.
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Tuesday, May 13, 2008 | 7:45 AM
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hello hello!
im so free now, yeah cause its after the exams loh!
WHY?): but on a sad note, i just received my maths paper 1,2 and chinese paper 2.
for maths, im pleased i PASSED! wow ok, even tho the total mark is 84/160. hmm, my 2 papers add up is not even higher than ziyi's one paper, 86 marks... >.<
hahas, but i expected a failure considering the fact tt i got alot of qns which boggled my poor brain.
on a very sad note, my chinese paper 2 was like shit!
i couldnt really finish the paper... T.T
aw damn, chinese is like one of my best subjects can, like tt my GPA die liao....
ohno! we're getting back chem and bio paper tml! *shudders*
WHY?): i wanna complain.
why does the 2k chalet has to be on the EXACT SAME DATE as my wushu camp?!
argh, like tt how am i supposed to choose which one to go??? TT.TT i love 2k and i love rvwushu! this camp is impt cos got farewell party for looloo!
this chalet is impt cos got.... cos its 2K!
im in a spot lah. wushu de ask me go camp, 2k de ask me go chalet. )X
I WANNA ATTEND BOTH. yucks lah, where got so coincidential de ting de. ;(
i still got alot of ting i wanna complain.
argh, i feel so aunty today sia... >.<
ok i needa go liao.
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Monday, May 12, 2008 | 8:45 AM
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i felt bored.
so i redid my blog! (X
i got LOTS of ppl havent link. esp frm 31 de. >.<
ok i wanna sleep liaos. :p
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