maths lesson
Sunday, July 27, 2008 | 6:23 PM
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zzzz.. MATHS.
ANIMOLOGY: What Animal Are You? Your Result: Ocre and Gray Dolphin Sea! You're a very hearty person being a good friend. You attract many friends because of your lovely personality, but you're sometimes pretty weird. Your soul mate is the Bronze Goat. You hate the Peach Pig. |
Red Jaguar | |
Teal Cat | |
Blue Fox | |
Silver and Red Wolf | |
Gold Falcon | |
Tan Giraffe | |
Yellow Trout | |
ANIMOLOGY: What Animal Are You? |
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Thursday, July 17, 2008 | 7:05 AM
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INHUMANE!a test marathon today.
we all almost died.
how can a person take 4 tests in a short span of a day, actually less~?!
L.A, E-lit, Maths, Bio.
our brains will burst like a bubble soon liao lah. ):
maths and bio was horrible. i have a very bad feeling about it. D:
the nxt few weeks for me will definitely drain me.
the whole week including the weekends are like packed packed packed!!!
the most important stuffs upcoming:
nxt sat: loo's farewell lunch, wushu grading dry runnxt sun: WUSHU GRADING.
ok, im damn worried about this. i just finished my 八卦掌 like on tuesday? i still suck at it.
AND, tml's supposed to be the last crucial trng, BUT wat crap maths competition and OBS briefing (ok, this one isnt crap) until 5pm. i only have at most 45min of trng!
die liaos lor, then nxt week all OBS mah, no trng liao eh.
i'll just have to 出丑 nxt sun during grading. ARGH, i cant even remember it properly yet. X_X
11th aug-17 or 18 or 19 aug (zzzzz... if im not wrong): WUSHU NATIONALS.14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 27 aug: common test.win liao lor.
wushu comp clash with common test. i can just go and tell the teacher to fail me liao.
cos i know i will take wushu as top priority.
why wouldn't i? considering that 传统内家套路 is only held every 2 years.
if i dont grab this chance wait until i jc1, still got time meh? i wouldn't have a chance to compete 八卦掌 again! >.<
okok, so conclusion is, plus all my other activities and school stuff, i will start looking like a zombie for the rest of the month.
i already look terrible lately, i have panda eyes since i was born, but they've become very pronounced lately.
urgh, terribly tired. :\
oh man, and loo's going soon already. DAMN SAD CAN.
im really going to miss this wonderful and loyal-to-rvwushu teacher! *sobs*
it'll be hard to come by such a nice teacher who would fight for our rights and go through everything with us anymore.
altho this sounds mushy and icky,
but i could say that rvwushuxst and i love u ms, no, madam loo!
we will pon morning school on 1st aug to send u off at changi. ^^
at least, i swear i will, cos that may well be one of the last times i'll get to see you.
OH MAN. emo liao lah.
TO WUSHU WITH LOVE,;thepeabrainner
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Tuesday, July 15, 2008 | 6:19 AM
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原来, 我还很不认识你。
oh, the irony. :\
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| 5:48 AM
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some ppl are just such encouraging and motivating ppl,
ppl who always never fail to smile and joke, who seemed impossible to blow their temper.
they support and advise ppl and are just so fun to be with, to everyone, they just seemed so infallible.
but today, i realised that it isn't what we think so.
i saw stress, worry, and sadness written all over such a person's face today.
perhaps he or she didn't think it was written on his or her face, but observant eyes would see it.
they're just such nice ppl, they don't show their negative feelings, maybe only on a rare chance. they're like the motivator and optimiser among ppl, who then is their motivator and adviser when they meet problems, which they don't show?
i felt lousy, i couldn't do anything right, not when he or she's not even deciding to share he or she's troubles with me, neither is he or she very close to me. ):
seeing such strong and "infallible" ppl on such a low note, it's very saddening.
AND, i can't do anything.
argh, yet another casualty, jelena.... yet another sprained ankle. aww man. another out of nationals and training. DX*
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Monday, July 14, 2008 | 6:25 AM
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hmm. took this for fun.
You Are An Orange Girl

You live in the fast lane. You love action, risk, and competition.
You're spontaneous, enthusiastic, and persuasive.
But you're also easily bored - and love to rebel against structures.
You resent rules ... as well as people's attempts to control you!
i duno... is this me?maybe. (:
You Are Extremely Charming

When someone talks to you, they feel like they are the most interesting person in the world.
And for you in that moment, they actually are.
You truly care about the people you're around, and it's obvious to everyone who meets you.
You are open, warm, friendly, and welcoming. You epitomize charm.
ah, am i??? o.0;thepeabrainner
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Tuesday, July 08, 2008 | 8:45 AM
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"武术, 是以形状将宇宙的法则表现出来."
"也就是说, 练武即是通过身体去悟出宇宙的法则."
"持有高目标武的话, 才能通过身体去理解, 然后跟宇宙成为一体."
"武术的真义, 是广大的爱."
*argh another casualty is added, huixian! she sprained her ankle.... zzz be careful ppl~
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Monday, July 07, 2008 | 8:36 AM
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i just realised that so many ppl around me are like sick or injured, school-wise and wushu-wise.
ppl seriously take care of your poor body luh... >.< it works so hard for you, be nice to it!! dont take risks or whatever, just rest well.
ESP. WUSHU MATES. plssss, nationals are coming le!
claire is a good example! hahas. very 乖, never 硬硬 come to train, 乖乖的 rest, liddat then will recover fast mah! ^^
we dont want another tragedy to occur, esp. in rvwushuxst!!! )X
pls just be mindful that taking care of your body is for your own sake.
(i have to tell this to myself.... i have been stuffing myself with rubbishy food lately.... zzzzzz)
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i love wushu!
Thursday, July 03, 2008 | 7:54 AM
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today's training had few ppl, and was terribly tiring during what was supposed to be warm-up only... zzz
but seriously, comparing to what we had encountered before in the "olden days", it was relatively alright...
150 jumping jacks, running 15 rounds the hall, split for veeery long (heh), run again, split again, zhen ti right leg like forever, split again, left leg zhen ti like forever, run again.SOUNDS COOL RIGHT? >.<-----------------------------rest--------------------------------
take weapon, in one min do as much as possible, the usual old thing luh. i actually very happy, BUT,
jl told me put down my gun and
walk the 八卦掌 the tang ni bu around the hall, cannot stop until he say so.OMGOMG, i couldnt really feel my legs at first, but as i progressed i could feel it so clearly,
很酸!!!!!!!!!!!dun see like i slack ok, walking around the hall, not just plain walking ok~! >.<
i think i walked like about 5min++ (!)
hahas, many sec ones first time da tang, damn cute. heh. (miss sunshine and miss moonlight XD)八卦掌 is quite tiring de, but i duno why, i feel damn shuang after finishing da tang-ing, even tho the legs are dying and im tired.
八卦掌的魅力. hahas.
my legs now already disabled liaos,
tml confirm will be paralysed. (figure of speech lah)
aww man. )X
BUT TRAINING STILL ROCKED.i feel i have improved a
teeny lil' bit in my 八卦掌. 8D hee.
oh yes and thanks tony for the 100plus and green tea. (i was so greedy just now. O.O)
THE 八卦 GANG;thepeabrainner
(oops. i think i stole rvwushu's blogskin. shhh... XD)
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