something to do.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008 | 6:43 AM
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found something to do.
You Are 71% Grown Up, 29% Kid

Congratulations, you are definitely quite emotionally mature.
Although you have your moments of moodiness, you're usually stable and level headed.
erm, not really true... zzz
You Are An Exclamation Point

You are a bundle of... well, something.
You're often a bundle of joy, passion, or drama.
You're loud, brash, and outgoing. If you think it, you say it.
Definitely not the quiet type, you really don't keep a lot to yourself.
You're lively and inspiring. People love to be around your energy.
(But they do secretly worry that you'll spill their secrets without even realizing it.)
You excel in: Public speaking
You get along best with: the Dash
hahas, quite true. dont try to keep my mouth shut. (X
You Are Very Happy

Your life is totally together, and you enjoy every day.
And you don't need a quiz to tell you that!
You know how to find pleasure in the little things...
And even when life isn't so great, you have a good sense of perspective.
You Are a Natural Beauty!

You're the kind of beauty that every guy dreams about...
One that looks good in the morning - without a stich of makeup
That's doesn't mean you're a total hippie chic though
You have style, but for you, style is effortless
You Are % Lady

You tend to make up your rules of etiquette, throwing all conventions aside.
And while you try to be a lady (sometimes), your behavior is often quite shocking.
where did the number for the % go?
duh, i am definitely NOT a lady. please. >.<
People Envy Your Compassion

You have a kind heart and an unusual empathy for all living creatures. You tend to absorb others' happiness and pain.
People envy your compassion, and more importantly, the connections it helps you build. And compassionate as you are, you feel for them.
oh. great. really.
hahas. i am seriously bored.
did so any crap quizzes....... >.<
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| 4:56 AM
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i just feel like slacking right now.
HAH, tests over le! YAY. 8D
actually, i dont have much to blog about anyway.
wait, there is, there's sad news:
theres no wushu tml and friday!!! sianned.......... and now only left 4 trngs before EOYS. SIANNED. D:
thursday already sian, the reason i look forward to thursday is cos got wushu. but now..........
oh and shit, friday's teachers' day celebrations i will appear on stage, and participate in something real dumb.
all thanks to mr chua...
aww, very dumb lah, 丢人现眼. )X
and now i got a wish, that is,
TO WATCH WALL.E!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahas, yay. i think its super nice~!
cant think of anything else to blog le.
BYE! ^-^
TO WUSHU WITH LOVE,;thepeabrainner
"hmphs! stop judging covers!"
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passion & perserverence
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 | 3:03 AM
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脚很酸!!! >.<
too long never have PT, ytd trng killed my muscles...
AND my lungs and diaphragm, actually it wasn't that tiring, it was the shouting part that makes it horrible.
i wanna complain that the guys, except for xunhong, francis and xinzhe, SHOUT VERY SOFTLY.
)X shout even softer than me can, make me have to scream out my lungs until i wanna die liao.
now's after comp le, but we shall not let the spirit die down!
shall continue to train hard for the coming comps, hahas, actually 八卦 inspired me a great deal. ^-^
made a pact with vanessa that we will push ourselves to train our stamina, cos it's quite hard to keep going especially when ure doing it alone, we will push each other and jiayou when our morale goes down. (:
i hope i can work hard all the way and not die down, no, i believe i can!
esp. 八卦掌, i know its gonna be hard to keep it going for 2years until the nxt comp, but i will jiayou!!!
same goes for 太极拳! hahas, i wanna start. but i know it's really gonna test my patience, cos it's definitely not easy to master it.
i wanna go the china trip! but, i dont think i can... cos of $$ probs.
*sobs* TT.TT
i think i will be damn sad if i dont get to go there and train. DX
*sobs* TT.TT
duno lah...
i looveee wushu! heh. XD
argh, have to buck up...
i think i will scrape a pass for everything this common test, except for chem...
great, ppl u all can start preparing my funeral, i duno what my mom's gonna do to me.... *collective gasps*
reeaaaally have to put my heart into studies liao.
oh have i mentioned this yet?
i think 3I ppl should be able to understand my hate.
oh, and i suddenly remember i owe alot of teachers GRADED assignments.
dont look at my GPA this year, u will either get a spasm, a stroke or a heart attack and turn into a vegetable.
oh yay, i going to eat swensens later, FOR FREE.
); but papa going back taiwan this friday, BEFORE his birthday which is like only nxt wednesday...
TO WUSHU WITH LOVE,;thepeabrainner
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sports and studies
Monday, August 18, 2008 | 12:58 AM
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女子公开组-传统套路 八卦掌-gold.
right, i got a gold medal.
i feel that my effort and SLIGHT deprove of studies is worthwhile~
but looking at my video of the comp, it wasn't very good at all, not nice to watch de, i need LOTS of improvement.
yeah i am still happy, of course, after all i had worked hard and spent quite alot of time training. (:
but looking at all the medals i got so far, my feeling is just, oh, medals.
just felt that all along it had all seemed like luck, no hard and tough competition and it always just seemed too lucky.
we did work hard, for 集体拳, 对练, my 八卦掌, but look at our competition and the guys' one, their's have always been "crazy" while ours is just.
i hope that i will get to compete in a more difficult competition next time, with more competitors, else i feel that my medals are like quite scam. >.<
upcoming next: 太极拳!! 枪术(新) uh-oh, shall jiayou... ._.
it totally rocked. XD every night spent at toa payoh sports hall was worth it.
i think watching competition is not just cool, fun and interesting, u get to learn lots of stuff.
how to see if a routine is good or not, why is it or is it not, and u can see how people handle competition, what should be done and not.
^-^ totally loved it, although always reach home very late. heh.
congrats to all who achieved medals too!!! :D
hahas, 传统 own! 竞赛 bleahh! X} hehs.
but great, now need to study liaos. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
i flunked my chem.
my chem teacher dragged me out of class to lecture me today. -.-
question: "cca or academic more important?"
answer: "cca can be more important than studies at times and studies can be more important than cca at times."
tio stun for awhile then continue, i should balance my stuff and blah.....
i mean, academic has already been the number one priority for like life, sometimes you got to put it down to do and achieve in something u want to.
if not now, then when? until we grow up, we would have to work and there would be no more time to do anything else.
academic is important, but we have to learn to know when to focus on something else when we can, if your life is all about academic, and then work, where then is your LIFE?
be rest assured, i do want a safe promotion, i perfectly know well that now it's study not wushu.
results! im here to save you, don't die yet~
THE 八卦 GANG;thepeabrainner

and yet again, my mind is in a whirlwind, and it doesn't seem like it's gonna stop any soon.
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008 | 6:46 AM
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im coming!!!
all the best 八卦掌 people, 传统 people, and everyone everyone competing.
im coming. zzz
let's try our best wushu people, to pass our common tests.
i may not, i WILL not pass this common test well, but i definitely promise a better end-of-years.
you (
hint: teachers, chem teacher) must think i dont know how to prioritize, but dont worry~~ ^^
im perfectly clear of what im doing, i do have my limits (although im on the reckless side...).
please understand. i will let myself promote and save my results like i should, why wouldnt i?
although i am abit crazy sometimes, my brain is still functioning well. -.-
the person i hope most will understand this is my mom.
she actually hopes i can get a scholarship. FAT HOPE.
last week from tuesday until today tuesday, except for saturday, there has been training!
fruitful! the word to describe them, fruitful!
i think i learnt quite alot and got improve a little bit in this short space of time. :D
the biggest problem now is that i always 失误, off balance!
ALWAYS OFF BALANCE. im angry and pissed with myself at todays performance, lousy~ HMPHS.
monday felt much better. needa jiayou!
i love my long-sleeved costume! but i hate having to tie belt, very redundant and a hindrance! uncomfortable.
im going down for all days of comp to help out, there's like a shortage of runners...
cause of common tests. zzz
立化武术, 全力以赴! 加油!!!yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeees~ 8D
THE 八卦 GANG;thepeabrainner
and shit, my ankle pain abit today again. zzz
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poke poke!
Friday, August 08, 2008 | 8:54 PM
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hehs. XD
pokes the ball. hah!
ytd wushu wanted to bowl at safra, but unfortunately there was an event, there was no lane for bowling.
ahah! and then luo ziyi suggested to play pool.
as we stood outside the pool place, i was like thinking, i thought we're underage??!
but then, the person apparently didnt care, only wanna earn money. zzz there was like kids i think aged 10 only inside lah.
then i also thought, omg, so many beng and lians, eeyerh, dont wanna go in.
then i looked at my group, carrying 棍 and 刀 (in a casing lah...), mmm, we look like a mob...
at first playing the game feel totally noob. keep making dumb mistakes. zzzz
but 越玩越 high, at the end they all sit down there stone i keep playing myself.
w/o rules of course, just trying to aim and poke the balls into the holes.
damn fun eh, i think the feeling of the balls boing together and plopping into the holes damn shuang~ hahas.
when u think of how to make the balls bounce around the table to hit the striped and coloured balls into the holes damn fun. heh.
PLOP! goes the ball into the holey. 很有成就感. hehehs. 8D
i especially love freeballs, who doesnt? (:
if theres a chance, i wanna go play again!!! (x1000~)
ok, now onto some other stuff.
WUSHU NATIONALS are ever so near. this comp like got arnd 26 ppl frm rv participating can, ALOT, when its all individual events. cool!
now damn hiong keep training, this sunday and monday also got.
but im damn happy still, my 八卦掌 got improve a leeeetle bit! great, shall jiayou!
and, i got my third costume! moreover, its light pink, and long-sleeved!! 传统内家的服装! ^-^
now got strawberry pink, light pink and light blue!
but die, since tuesday when i heard my ankle crack during bagua, wednesday its pain just doing tang3 ni2 bu4, the walking thingy in bagua.
walking normally wont pain lah, but when doing bagua sometimes will pain, and got slight swelling.
like got one lump stuck in the ankle.
plsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplspls dont continue swelling just stop at now still ok.
i NEED to participate this competition ok. :/
ppl give all your good luck to me!!! ><
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for rvwushu!
Tuesday, August 05, 2008 | 6:06 AM
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the week before nationals, before competition,
the week when fJL turns all scary, hostile and fierce, unfriendly. urgh.
he's just trying to give us more pressure and to make sure that we will improve and give our best in this short space of time left.
but, it's a bit sharp to take sometimes.
ok, that's quite true for us bagua ppl, know he means to make us work harder,
aww but we are working hard and trying to achieve, it's quite demoralising and you feel like flinching when you hear those words.
bagua is NOT easy (ok, this ain't an excuse for lousy performance of course), and we didn't have much time to train, we can't really expect much out of this competition, considering that this is BAGUA we're talking about.
八卦掌, it's something i've always wanted to do,
so what about the pressure and the remarks? i will continue to work my best to improve with full vigour!
this is what i want to do, i won't give up so easily, neither will there be such a thing called low morale.
giving up and low morale, these words don't appear in MY dictionary.
ok, unless you're talking about stuff like homework, projects and studies.... -.-"
but win liao lor, chem common test is on the same day as my bagua competition, 14/8/08, thursday.
pls lah, for a person like me, needless to say, wushu will be my priority, and so, the previous day before the comp, i will definitely not be studying but instead thinking all about my bagua tao4 lu4.
actually, from now on, i will be pia-ing and hiong-ing trainings everyday.
erhem, i dont think i will be finishing my work..................... zzzzzzzzzzzz
think about it, this may well be the last time i get to compete in 传统, in 八卦掌. this event is only held biannually, until i'm in jc1, i dont really think that i may have the time to compete anymore.
too bad for chem test, and schoolwork!
i have to give my best in this competition!
FOR RVWUSHUXST! and for myself! LET'S ALL JIAYOU IN NATIONALS WUSHU CHAMPIONSHIPS 2008!give in your all, no matter what the outcome is, just make sure you will never regret.
加油!!! ^o^
THE 八卦 GANG;thepeabrainner
hahas, abit lag, but yeah, these were from animal farm on saturday. ^-^

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