Friday, October 24, 2008 | 9:10 AM
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im sianned to the extent that im not even bothering to blog about the 精彩事迹 and "exciting" stuff tt happened in wushu today and ytd.
什么事都有,尤其是那该死的 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$。DX
真是的!!! *grumbles* 怎么办呢?最讨厌每次沦落到这种情境里。
i must jiayou!
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008 | 8:00 AM
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40%ok duh...
19even so... i dont think i can ...(-.-)
60%hahas no lor no lor i 100%.
149,563 Peoplegreat.... zzzz..
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many loves to wushu.
| 6:17 AM
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heh heh heh. (^-^)
finally had the first wushu training after sooooo long ytd.
ehh.. one word to describe the feeling ytd: invigorated.
it was true that ytd was monstrous for us all, considering tt we hadnt really had massive pt for long.
it was tiring, energy-draining and to a certain extent, painful.
sounds sadistic, but i just felt very happy and satisfied going thru it all. really really happy. (>.<) i dont know why, sometimes it gets so torturing when u try to stop the vomit and prevent the dizziness from overpowering,
but i always never fail to keep smiling thru it, feel extremely happy and anticipate the next trng nonetheless.
strange but yeah, maybe im a bit of a sadistic freak, but i think its mostly because i love rvwushu!
invigorated, definitely not physically wise (not with the throbbing muscle aches im experiencing now...),
but instead sort of spiritually??? hahas duno how to put it... somewhat somewhat.
anticipate another day at school because theres wushu trng tt day, cause tt is where my energy is derived (and drained too.)
i know, cause i love being with the team, i love the sense of unity and belonging.
i love how everybody in the team is so fun.
aww, seriously i love you guys all rvwushuxst! <3
what luck what luck, aint i the luckiest person on earth?
*幸福* (X
TO WUSHU WITH LOVE,;thepeabrainner
*ahahas. i have the tendency to post these type of "patriotic" posts almost every few posts. lol!
oh and i just remembered i saw changzhen and jiesheng at bt panjang today, very long never see them le! (:
need to send the invites to the guest list for wushu chalet soon!
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Thursday, October 16, 2008 | 7:05 AM
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you could say that i gave up on maths.
im just totally in the end-of-exams mood and wanting to immerse myself in my k-dramas.
i dont wanna care~~~ zzzzzz......
hmphs, aiyah paper one can pass jiu can le.
yayaya~ scold and nag at me whatever.
*sticks fingers in both ears**opens eyes wide and stares innocently*
FEELING REBELLIOUS,;thepeabrainner
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008 | 2:22 AM
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argh. msn is totally getting on my nerves. think it has been more than a week since i have been online. more than a week eh.
re-install and re-install i just cant sign in. even if i did the whole comp would just jam and hang there. DX
WHAT THE HELL LAH. zzz.. im missing being online. bleeeah! ):
oh and im getting addicted to korean dramas. hee. what a wrong time to get addicted, during eoy period... shhhh.
so far:
"My Girl (我的女孩)""Hello! My Lady (Hello小姐)"
"Dal Ja's Spring (达子的春天)"
hahas shhhhhhhh...
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008 | 10:27 PM
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“因为害怕失去,所以放弃拥有。”how many times have we gave up on something, just because we're afraid of losing it in the end, just because we're afraid of falling?
但是,人始终还是那么地害怕,那么地胆小。矛盾吧?hahas that was super random. was watching a show and came across the quote.
true, ain't it? we're just so sissy and cowardly, this is human. hahas. (^-^)
a sudden realisation hit me that since its 15Oct today, i would be 15 years old in just 2 months! *sobs*
moreover, in less than 3 months, i would be year4 already! *bawls* (TT.TT)
feeling devastated that im leaving my childhood and growing big and old. ahhhhhhh i dont want, i refuse to.
yaya though i know im lucky to be 15 only in december and many ppl like vann january jiu 15 liao.
hahas come to think of it, when i just turn 15, in just 19 days vann will be 16. hohoho. *smirks*
but still sian lah can.
growing up will have to start facing alot of things and having many responsibilities one will never have to worry about as a kid.
BLEEAAH! why does time pass soooo fast? this year practically zoomed its way to the next. zzzzz...
if its possible i would wanna forever stay in year2 and year3, it would be uber perfect~
thinking back, i think i was really lucky in my years in rv so far.
look at where i have been, what i have gone through.
the best the most super wonderful and fun class in rv and in my whole life:

how many classes can be like ours, so bonded, so crazy, so funny and been through so many together?
until now we still havent forgotten about everything we went through.
terribly miss my seat beside brenda, behind zhiliang and mingjun and in front of the gay partners ruimin and siqi.
it was my amazing luck that i ended up in this class. it was heart-wrenching to have to leave.
I LOVE YOU ALL KZERS!AND I MISS YOU ALL LOTS AND LOTS, TERRIBLY. ):the super uber best amazing united enthu crazy cca in rv where the cutest ppl can be found and where i would never wanna leave:

i dont hate tankimchuan and catalinayeow for not letting me appeal out of this cca anymore, and never.
still remember how at the start of year1 how strong was my hate for then, now i could just say i love you and plant kisses on their cheeks.
miraculous, how i was once ranting and swearing that i hated wushu and how i would never ever like it, now, i love it like my life.
miraculous, how i was once the most AP person in rvwushu, now, im crazily enthu about rvwushu.
honestly, without rvwushu, i would not have survived my school life, neither would i have the motivation to go to school.
i would have missed out so many things in life, experiences, teamwork, fun and friendship.
i am ever so lucky, when i hear ppl complaining about their cca, finding ways to pon cca, i cant help putting in a word that i love mine.
my classmates sometimes are even envious that im in such a cca which makes ppl treasure it so much, where the teammates are enthusiastic.
im in a cca with a majority of ppl that are always looking forward to cca, who love it, who treasure it.
we've grown from a tiny little team with no asprirations to a big and significant bonded team. (:
i start missing the team after just a few days of no cca, and especially now, whenever i just see a teammate from rvwushu, i feel super happy.
i have no idea how im going to leave the team in year6. i dont ever wanna, and rvwushuxst, i would always remember it for life.
a team with the most amazing ppl, the cutest, the nicest, the funniest, the coolest, the craziest, the silliest, the loveliest, the bravest, the strongest, the best.
I LOVE WUSHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND MOST IMPORTANTLY I LOVE EVERYONE, MY FRIENDS TEAMMATES SENIORS AND JUNIORS OF RVWUSHUXST.im the luckiest and happiest person in rv who has the bestest class and cca.
where i found my bestest of friends like bikini bottom and the brain problem 家族. (X
altho rv sometimes really sucks and pisses me off (actually it always does.), but i have to thank her for letting me have a chance to be in kzers and rvwushuxst.
i'll never wanna forget, or rather, i'll NEVER FORGET.

aww, i feel very emotional now. (>.<)
when is eoy ever going to end.
i wanna have wushu again!!!
i feel like hugging everybody. (._.)
TO BRAIN PROBLEM 家族 WITH LOVE,;thepeabrainner
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Wednesday, October 08, 2008 | 5:55 AM
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hee hee hee. ha ha ha. ho ho ho. hu hu hu. wahahahahahahahahaha.
am 46kg.
heh heh. i know what is the fat ass problem liao. it was all about exercise lah.
cos recently i cut down
ABIT (or did i even...-.-) on food, and then got exercise, abit lah.
hahas cos wushu trng very hiong, then i eat super alot. then now got exercise abit then still can eat alot but not as much.
also good, must not totally slack down on my stamina or else after eoys jiu die liao. have been climbing stairs. (^-^)
ahahas and i thought of something else, maybe is not i grow fat! maybe is i grow tall! *smirks* (>.<)
and then i was so dumb just now.
i thought it was maths paper one tml and i went through a hopeless battle with maths for like duno how long. then, i just realised just now that, it was singapore studies and chinese papers tml. (-.-|||)
have to go study abit SS now...
I AM OFFICIALLY SUFFERING FROM MATHS DEFICIENCY SYNDROME (or wateva lah, something along the line.)
MATHS AND I. WE JUST DON'T CLICK. thankyouverymuch.
event: the hopeless and exhausting struggle against evil
time: yesterday
location: outside of home, somewhere.



ok... that was super lame. thanks. i know.
i found out that lenses are cool for use in photography! hee. got other pics, super cool! but show u this one. XD

and i was sorting through my folders and pics then i chanced upon this. and i thought i should post THIS:

hee hee. super funny lah this pic, taken in penang this year's CNY.
i was just being very random seeing myself in a ray of sunlight. hahas then it turned out liddat. (X
my parents said it looked like i was dying and going to heaven or something while they were looking upon me. (-.-")
but its hilarious all the same. XD
gotta go study le! )X
i hope exams pass faaaaaaaster~~~ then can have wushu trng le! YAYES.
i long time never practice le lor, only sometimes like got do abit of bagua but then also canot do the whole thing properly. D:
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Friday, October 03, 2008 | 9:29 AM
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i did this out of pure boredom when i saw it in yueling's blog.
and yes, its totally dumb and nonsensical...-.-|||
How You Are In Love

You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time.
You tend to take more than give in relationships.
You need your space and privacy. You don't like to be smothered.
You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.
You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard.
Your Inner Child Is Naughty

Like a child, you tend to discount social rules.
It's just too much fun to break the rules!
You love trouble - and it seems that trouble loves you.
And no matter what, you refuse to grow up!
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| 5:23 AM
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this just always have to happen.
i really really worry for A, seriously i feel guilty for not being able to do more, but instead im like adding to her burden.
maybe, sometimes i was abit too hard on B, it's not really her fault to not be able to see things the way i would.
maybe, she tried hard to, but she just couldn't find a way around it.
both had their faults and wrongs, but one couldn't say that who was the righter.
i wish that i was clever and wise enough to know what to do to resolve it, to take sides? no. to just shut up? no.
i wish i didn't get pissed off with B so easily(although she was really being ridiculously stubborn and childish).
something i can do to clear all this up? without rising tempers and unhappy feelings?
sometimes its just hard to be stuck and caught in the middle, yeah but who am i to complain?
they must be feeling far worse off than me. *sighs*
要继续加油! 继续微笑!
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