Friday, November 28, 2008 | 6:41 AM
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i have another couple of stuff to add into my dont-wanna-touch-again list:
I SWEAR, for the rest of the year i dont ever wanna touch microsoft excel and microsoft word ever again.and. ive become a pro at using shortcuts like ctrl+x and stuff. zzzz...
finally though, had some progress to the website we're trying to update. here:
Awakening Buddhism Study Centre(it doesnt really work well in mozilla. only best in IE)
before you click it though i would like to make it clear that the website was NOT designed by me.
ok. i mean no offense or what, but. it aint really that uh, nice luh. (>.<)
the next link though, specifically links to most of the work ive been doing for ytd:
http://www.juehai.com/new_page_21.htmand obviously of course im not a really great artist. so that's that.
hahas anyone interested to join me in any classes there? ... (-.-)
once again, im blogging purely for the sake of blogging. cos once again, im sianned.
I HAVE MISSED A TOTAL OF 3 WUSHU TRAININGS. T-H-R-E-E.all thanks to my mom lor. (TT.TT)
one can go nuts working under mdm xxxx. seriously. *takes a deep breath* *breathes out slooowly*
i have only one more thing to say before i end my post:
i really really really long for the day i can finally go out and play.
you know i feel like a bird tragically trapped in a cage watching the outside world, longing to soar out~
.................. lame dao~ (-.-)||| .....................................
TO WUSHU WITH LOVE,;thepeabrainner
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Thursday, November 27, 2008 | 7:58 AM
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im dying already. i touched many many
colour pencils and
art pencils and
colour markers today.
im totally sianned cooped up at home helping my mom. zzzzzzzzzz....
and. im super pro at typing chinese by now.
I MISSED WUSHU TRAINING TODAY. ARGH. DXits not like i get to train on my own lor. )X
you see now 12am plus le then i got time do my own stuff. D: eeyer. yucks yucks yucks. *complains*
i actually planned to do alot of things the lor like sit-ups and running arnd the track near my house.
but then turns out i really have no free time. (>.<)
HAH! i cant believe it im now 46kg! amazingly and abnormally. hahas (^-^)
i finally ate a proper dinner today! sort of. maggie mee. cos dinner wasnt enough for there were 5 guests. hee.
okay. actually i seriously have nothing to blog about. just blogging for the sake of blogging. cos im bored until cannot liao... (-.-)"
i bet i havent introduced someone impt to me to you ppl.
PICTURES OF ME AND LAOPO! :(nahh. i aint a lesbian. swear. (: )

i swear. the person on the right isnt me. no it isnt. really.
but the pretty tattoo on the person's hand is done by me. really.

for some reason, i always turn out looking kinda weird in photos. why. (-.-)
ahh. i look single-eyelidded.
ok now im just rambling away trying to fill up the post.
OK BYEBYE,;thepeabrainner
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Wednesday, November 26, 2008 | 2:29 AM
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I GOT A CASE OF UTMOST INJUSTICE TO REPORT:Mdm Siew Kom Ooi, Mother of Lye Chen Xi and Lye Zhen Xi, initially gave the news that the family would go to Malaysia from
26Nov 2008 – 5Dec 2008 when her daughters asked her for details so she could hand in her overseas declaration form to the school.
But then due to certain reasons, the trip would not be made on those dates anymore but made from
3Dec 2008 – (duno when).
Then of course that would mean that her daughter would be free on
26Nov 2008 – 2Dec 2008 to participate in her own activities and attend her Wushu training sessions.
BUT THEN, Mdm Siew called upon both her daughters and firmly stated that since the school had been informed that the family would be overseas on the initial dates, the period of time from
26Nov 2008 – 6Dec 2008 should be totally dedicated to helping her out at the Buddhism study centre.
In other words, Mdm Siew has gone on her own liberty to ban her daughters from any external activities including official school activities, resulting in lousy attendance and unexplained absence from Wushu trainings on her daughter, Chen Xi’s part.
Her daughters were infuriated(
silently, privately), especially Chen Xi, who was already still pathetically lousy in Wushu after so many years, missing a few trainings during the holidays would mean even more downgrading and struggling. What’s more, the period of time ends at when the holiday break for Wushu starts. This would mean a pause in training for at least 3-4 weeks.
BUT WHAT CAN THEY DO? They are poor and helpless, all they can do is to silently plea for a miracle to happen.
THANKS. MOM.GRAAAAAHH!!! (>_<)hope to see you soon people. (TT.TT)
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| 2:23 AM
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today i cleaned the whole house on my own.and. i realized i am super super duper slow in doing housework. (-.-)|||
the list of duties is as follows:
1. Hang the washed clothes out to dry.2. Clean all surfaces existing in the house free of dust and grime.3. Set all the messy and untidy stuff right.4. Vacuum floor of whole house.5. Mop floor of whole house.6. Sort out the recycled stuff and bring downstairs.7. Wash the kitchen’s toilet.8. Wash the master bedroom’s toilet.9. Wash dishes.i did all this like from 7.00am to 12.45pm, 5HOURS 45MIN.
its ridiculously slow…….. zzzz… BUT. The house is sparkling clean. really.
the first time i do so much housework at one go. a feat for me! (X
i think my body functions abnormally.
i was just saying in the last post that i was
49kg. after a few days, which is now… im
47kg. (-.-)!!
all I did was just to cut down a teeny bit of my intake of food.
eating a piece of bread or a few biscuits for breakfast, have a late lunch arnd 2.00pm, just enough de, then a bread or something for dinner.
honestly it is a FEAT that im actually eating so little… (which explains why im eating pringles now…) (-.-)
don’t you think its simply amazing or you could say absurd to lose 2 kg in a few days when you didn’t really do anything...
and its simply absurd too to gain a 2kg within a few days when you also didn’t really eat out of your normal diet.
so in conclusion, my body is malfunctioning. it is ABNORMAL.BYE,;thepeabrainner
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events and serious matters.
Sunday, November 23, 2008 | 7:03 AM
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the reason why i never go wushu on fridayevent coordinator:
awakening buddhism study centretime/duration:
thursday 11.30pm- friday 3.30am, continued 8.30am-5.30pm.13 HOURS (okay fine includes meal times which are like only 40min?)

thanks arh. at least 75% of it was done by me. zzzzzzzzzz...
looks simple right, you go do you'll see lor, including the frame which is like recycled from cardboard boxes.
thanks lor to my dear old mom, my holiday's free time are all spent doing these stuff and paperwork,
cos next year we having many new classes and blahblahblah at the centre.
and sadly, she doesn't really seem to appreciate our presence and supposedly im very slack and unserious.
i swear im never gonna touch another crayon or color pencil or color marker or paint anymore for the rest of the year.
(but er i just did like on saturday?? cos i was teaching the kiddies drawing... zzzz -.-)
Twilight2. Madagascar 23. Bedtime Stories
4. The Tale of Desperaux
5. Beverly Hills Chihuahuas6.
Ice Age 37.
Ip Man (叶问)8. Bolt (the dog!!!)
cool cool cool! two off the list! weeeeeeeeeeeee~ bwahahahahaha XD
madagascar and beverly hills chihuahuas are both super duper uber nice! great comedies! (X
die liao lah. i think Ip Man is NC16. (TT.TT) *whines, sobs, bawls, shrieks*
i must watch it i dont care i will sneak in or something i dont care i dont care.
moving on to much more pressing and serious matters.
i am now officially 49kilograms with a mere height of 159centimetres.omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg.
*gets a stroke a heart attack a fit and turns into a vegetable.*
im too ashamed to put it in big font.
IT IS DEFINITELY A CAUSE FOR SERIOUS WORRY AND IMMEDIATE ACTION.i have totally no idea what the hell is happening to me, i always ate so much. really.
one possible reason might be cos i've stopped growing and then my metabolism rate has reduced. in other words, im old.
the saddest thing is that my abmormal body does not evenly distribute my fats to all parts of the body.
however, it gathers and accumulates everything at a centre part of the body.
realised lately my abs have been more and more significantly united and bonded.
if i remember correctly, i was 43kg at the start of the year then mid-year i was 45kg.
then about a month ago i was 47kg then went back down to 46kg like just a few weeks ago.
AND THEN. in a short span of time i instead of 向上发展 or 像衡发展, i rapidly, RAPIDLY 向前发 展.
get it?
i believe i can do it man. i want to let history repeat itself! (not the recent history but the older one)FIGHTING,;thepeabrainner
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sun signs.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008 | 7:08 AM
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all jiaolian's fault. im like addicted to reading about our zodiac signs and horoscopes.
hahas nvm, its damn interesting.
found a website by an author he recommended, Linda Goodman. shes an uber great writer!
http://mizian.com.ne.kr/englishwiz/library/names/zodiac/contents.htmits really nice!! very detailed. all about the signs. hahas.
this one's for my sign
http://mizian.com.ne.kr/englishwiz/library/names/zodiac/sagittarius.htm#_Toc6672032i read my own sign's stuff im laughing away like shit. (>.<)
seriously, am i really that............................ zzzz....
i cant really believe that im like that. (-.-)
- shit.... "Among the most unpleasant traits of some Sagittarians are a tendency to violent temper, a love of too much food and drink" EATING!!!-
- (-.-) yes i have a great memory but im always losing my stuff.... (-.-) -
- MY SIGN IS JUST A TOTAL JOKE. tyvm. zzz..-
- the sagittarius woman part is true! omgg! (O.O) -
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Tuesday, November 18, 2008 | 5:24 AM
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you disconnected the wires of my linksys wireless, my internet, and took them away.
you tried to cut off all my connections to the world, so that i would quietly do my load of paperwork.
you forgot my name is
赖忱希 and i am
your daughter.
i went to the storeroom and dug out all the spare and old wires and then i connected everything again.
and now my network is configured, i have my internet.
all this when im a total computer dummy.
muahahahaha. i win i win. im a pro.
and. whats more you wont get to know about this.
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i love funny.
Monday, November 17, 2008 | 4:03 AM
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wushu chalet was fun! sleepness nights and gaming and chatting. woo~ and night cycling is super fun! (X
quite alot of ppl go worh. hee. but it could have been better.
if we had some more planning, cos most of the time we were trying to think wat to do. (-.-)
but then i realise that everytime i go chalet i will constantly become dehydrated and then all my meals are junk... (>.<)
hoo hoo. wanna have it again next year, and it shall be a better one! :D
aww come to think of it, 2K chalet! i wanna go arh!!! i really miss everybody!!!
haiyoh but i duno if my mom will allow lor. (X_X)

extremely hilarious! super super funny! defnitely worth a watch! xDDDDDDDD
hee hee. i tell u if maybe tt day u feel very buay song or wateva go watch it then will laugh until siao.
hahas. must watch must watch.
loved it.
oh and now i currently paused watching korean dramas! AMAZING. (O.O)
hahas now i continuing with my taiwan dramas, but horh very tiring to wait for each week each episode to come out...
zzz...the wait is terrible~!!
不良笑花 Miss No Good

super funny and nice. hohohohohohohohoho. yay.
无敌珊宝妹 Invincible Shan Bao Mei
super funny and nice too! this one damn hao xiao sometimes can. kuso. (X
ahahas. (^O^)
ok byebye i going to watch le!
LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH,;thepeabrainner
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Thursday, November 13, 2008 | 7:04 AM
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I AM OFF TO WUSHU CHALET!!!fri, sat, sun. three days and two nights.
WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~yippees! yayyes! byebye!;thepeabrainner
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Monday, November 10, 2008 | 6:42 AM
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"只要能把每件事当作是自己最喜欢做的事,我们决不会再感到厌烦,也就能很快乐了!"sometimes we get very tired slogging through the walks of life, thinking hard why the world hates you.
sometimes if we realise, the world has never hated us, neither has anything been out just to get you.
sometimes it's all just a matter of the mind.
take an example of a group of kids playing near a shore.
a little boy says he loves playing with water, but then there's a warning sign by the sea that warns of deep dangerous waters.
he says since he's here, he must play with the water, because he loves it and then he goes on towards the sea to play.
and what happens? the waves are too strong and he just gets pulled into the sea.
and what happens to him, and also to his parents and his friends and the people who love him?
in the end, does he really love playing with water still?
we always do not look deep into things enough, what we always and always stubbornly want to see is the very surface of things.
yeah we love this and we love that, but we do not realise that, what we really want to like is the result and the ending.
when we do something we do it for a cheap thrill because we say we love it, and often out of recklessness we screw up something.
we complain whine and throw tantrums when faced with a task, maybe even a simple one, because we say we hate it.
no, no, in the end we will always only want to like the result.
if we just don't always stubbornly fix our views, we can be very happy living our lives no matter what happens.
if everything was treated as something we like and love, not only will we be happy, everything we do will be wonderful.
yup, it is very difficult, almost impossible and annoyingly hard.
truly i have to admit that homework wise i will take maybe 10 years to change my attitude.
but i think starting from many little things, i think it is definitely worth the try, ain't it?
(^-^)hahas let's jiayou to be happy and bring joy to everyone!
(stop being so stubborn!)
- 难道这就是快乐的原则?-
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Tuesday, November 04, 2008 | 5:40 AM
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realised i havent touched my blog for ages... hahas due to popular demand i shall post abit. (X
one simple reason why i didnt bother to blog or even go online these days:
super poisonous addiction. (>.<)
im damn pro lah can. ehh let's see...
i started my k-drama craze like maybe arnd two weeks before the exam?
heh heh and my 战绩 is as follows:
"My Girl (我的女孩)""Hello! My Lady (Hello!小姐)""Dal Ja's Spring (达子的春天)""Love Truly (真的真的喜欢你)""Wonderful Life (美妙人生)""Taste Sweet Love (白雪公主)"watching: "Full House (浪漫满屋)"wooooooo~ im super pro!
hoho. some of the dramas very old le lor. (:
ohoh and even worse now i got at least 8 upcoming movies that i wanna watch...
Twilight2. Madagascar 2
3. Bedtime Stories
4. The Tale of Desperaux
5. Chihuahua
Ice Age 37.
IP Man8. Bolt (the dog!!!)
XD hohohohohohoho.
but obviously not possible to watch all, unfortunately. ($$$)
yay i cant wait for wushu chalet!
hahas okok i cant talk le, i need to watch my k-drama! (X
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