jiayou (x10)
Wednesday, December 24, 2008 | 5:47 AM
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i suddenly realise how a
lousy standard i am
steadily maintaining.
感到好惭愧! all my juniors including year1s de standard are either equal to me or much MUCH better.... (>.<)
其实是我自己还不够认真! 还不够积极,不勤劳,很懒惰! 怕辛苦,轻易放弃! bleeaaaaahhh. D: sometimes really feel quite ashamed when i see my juniors all improving like crazy and doing well,
when i in wushu 3 years le still never have much improvements or real achievements. 还是一样的弱。zzzz... damn. (>.<)
惭愧惭愧! )X
i seriously need to buck up! jiayou jiayou jiayou!!!i have to admit that sometimes i don't feel like going to wushu trainings, cos sometimes really very er, TIRING. ahahas.
BUT, in the end i always go cos i love the company and the team! and once a blue moon when i have to force myself to go a particular training, in the end i always learn alot and will feel very heng i never pon.
(: so conclusion all trainings must go! hahahahahas.
i am
super sadded sunday morning im missing such a precious chance!!! (TT.TT) cos i have to go juehai.
whywhywhy~~~ such a rare chance to learn!
altho of cos i would have just looked stupid there cos of the nervousness under the pressure and quite long never properly practice le.
八卦掌!!! (another thing to feel guilty about. D: )
today learnt alot alot!during and after training alike. hahs. (^-^)
and finally see wanyan after so long! and jiale. hahas she felt like dying after so long of fats growing in china. (oops.)
and my
枪 has deproved until like shit liddat. i think even worse than when i just started learning... seriously..... (-.-)
and tml the muscle aches will be coming on man~ whole leg, front and back, the split stretch de part. and arms maybe too. (._.)
will be away and cut off from the world(-.-) from tml morning until sunday evening.sianned. DX zzz....
and i have no idea what is happening to my mom's temper.
SEE YOU SOON *SOBS*,;thepeabrainner
and i still havent buy my new uniform...
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why why why.
Sunday, December 21, 2008 | 6:42 PM
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im trapped at home today. again.im missing my wushu training. again. (TT.TT)once again im still helping my mother with the buddhist society's stuff.
i am supposed to be typing out a chinese vocab handbook for next year's kids' lessons, and one chapter takes up almost an hour.
in hope i could go wushu training, i chionged it thru the night/morning, thinking that maybe if i type finish thn i can just sneak out of the house in the morning also nvm.
then after second thoughts i decided i had to type finish le then ask my mom first before going.
cos lately she said i have been er, outrageous, everything
先斩后奏... which is er, half-true lah... (>.<)
if i do it again i think she will fly into a terrible, no,
murderous temper, and so............
but in the end i chiong until the 9th chapter at 3.00am in the morning, left with 2 chapters,
i was dying already........... D:by the time i finish typing everything it would be around 5.00am.
by that time, even if i could go wushu trng, i would probably have just died there. (>.<)
and then in the first place, i doubt, or im sure, my mom will not even allow me to go even if i chionged finished it.
then i would have wasted all my efforts and my precious sleep. )X
and so i gave up and went to sleep. *wails in despair*
*sobs* its
the 6th, THE SIXTH wushu trng im missing.
and today xiamen ppl are performing the stuff they learnt!!!damn im missing it all. and im still wanting to accomplish 翻墙!!!
im deproving and wilting away at home whilst everyone else is training hard and improving. DX
going tiong bahru plaza to buy uniform later alone. SIAN.
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the series of unfortunate events.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008 | 8:19 PM
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(its 18dec08. the date is always wrong. why~)
UNFORTUNATELY,tuesday after zoo went to juehai and then when taking car back home
车子抛锚!hahas then stand at PIE's road shoulder while the adults try to rectify the problem.
first time experience hahhs. quite fun actually. (*-*)
then they flagged down a taxi for help and its an unhired one! so took it home first with my sis.
UNFORTUNATELY AGAIN,yesterday morning 9.30am i woke up. mom wasnt at home.
then i walked to the kitchen. then,
我发现厨房淹水!!! i was like omgomg shit.
the stupid washing machine de
排水管 got loose, then all the water came flowing out all over the kitchen.
need to clean up everything. damn.
SIAN. then my desk got all wet, my bags and belongings on the floor all got soaked. it destroyed my notebook!!!:

UNFORTUNATELY AGAIN(x2),停电!!! because the kitchen was flooded then the laptop charger which was on the floor was soaked in water.
then obviously it went haywire then caused the house to have no electricity.
SIAN DIAO. (>.<)
then finally in the afternoon then regained electricity.
one by one so suay de stuff happen. (-.-)|||
but great experience lah horh. (-.-)|||
i hope my mom finally allow me go tml's wushu training!i miss it! and ive deproved lah sian. zzz...
You Could Definitely Be a Vegetarian

You would make a great vegetarian - if you aren't one already.
You're adventurous enough to try all sorts of new veggie foods...
And your commitment to animal welfare will motivate you to stay meat free!
You Are a Fortune Cookie

You're a rather normal person, except that you have extraordinary luck in life.
People want to be around you (even when they're a little sick of you), in hopes of being lucky too!
how contradictory to my post.
Chance You'll Live to 100: 82%

100 is looking like a sure thing for you. So don't screw it up!
In fact, you may live even longer than that. You're healthy, and you have good genes.
Unless there's a robot uprising, you'll probably live a very long time.
yeah! hahas.
You Are Coffee Ice Cream

Energetic and lively, you are always on the go.
You're doing a million things at once and doing them well.
You tend to motivate others and raise spirits.
You are most compatible with chocolate ice cream.
You Are a Strawberry

You are friendly, outgoing, and well liked by many people.
You are popular, but there's nothing you ordinary or average about you.
You a very interesting person, and you have many facets to your personality.
Sometimes you feel very conflicted. Your different sides of your personality pull at you.
You are a very sensual and passionate person. You are fiery... you can't help it.
In general, you keep your passionate side under wraps. You are only wild in private.
STRAWBERRY! wushu strawberry team. XD
You Are Sunshine

Soothing and calm
You are often held up by others as the ideal
But too much of you, and they'll get burned
You are best known for: your warmth
Your dominant state: connecting
You Are an Optimist

You definitely see the sunny side of life, even when things aren't going so great.
And while you may not be a realist, your optimism has really improved your quality of life.
You have the energy to take charge, solve your problems, and enjoy life for what it is.
Optimists are happier and healthier - so keep thinking positive!
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happy fifteen.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 | 11:39 PM
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happy fifteen years old to me! (2 days ago, hahas.) ( the date of blogger is wrong again!!! its 17 dec. )X )
it was a very eventful birthday this year! had many many first times hahas.
XD first time celebrate birthday with wushu ppl!!!
XD first time had such fun pre and belated birthdays!!!
DX third time actual birthday so sian. (-.-)"
XD first time so many ppl wish me happy birthday! got one week earlier de some more!
XD first time got such a great haul of presents!!!!! wahahahaha.hahas really
never got so many presents before lor. hee. (^-^)
13 December 2008i went to jurong point and wushu ppl celebrated an early birthday of natalie and i! :D14 ppl were there, 10 rvwushu ppl(including me and nat), the rest jiaolian and shixiongs!
watched twilight's sneak preview! it was alright but i duno y alot of them were exclaiming how "great" it was....
and then ate pizza hut! YAY. totally gorged myself. (oops.)
3 slices veggie lovers, 1 slice shroom garden, starry munchies, salad, strawberry jingle!
hahahas. i love pizza. i love junk food. hee hee. (^o^)
sadly the cake was an uneatable for me cos got egg.
i totally regret forgetting about taking photos. what a waste! my first time celebrating with wushu ppl! ):
Wushu ppl's present:FOOD! yes its counted as a present.
让你们破费了。(>.<) thanks!!! i ate alot. hahas.
hahas. its cute, but abit too pink for my standards.
but still thanks(x3)! XD

yeah and the amazing plastic bag that came with the present:
said it cannot be found in singapore, is the one and only so i must treasure it. (-.-)|||
14 December 2008hahas no celebration lah. went to every month will go de old folks home at woodlands.
then after that play basketball.
ok fine i didnt, i was watching. i take leave that day mah. zzz...
then got presents! hahas.
.... performing hahas.

my mom.

me and laopo shihui! hahas.
please excuse our two pigtails.

from left:
aunty chong(gan ma!), her mother ah ma!, lixiang aunty.
hahas ah ma and lixiang aunty are very cute. (:

hoho and my
3 presents received that day!
(please excuse the zit on the face. -.-)

from laopo and yitian!:

the empty sapce is yitian!! hahas. (X
hahas yeah my pencilbox spoil liao, tyty! but white arh, it'll turn filthy very soon.............
Caixuan's present:CALLIGRAPHY!
hahas it was in the roll of newspaper!
who knows why. quite a fresh idea ahahas. wushu! XD
Aunty Chong's(gan ma!) present:TWO RITTERSPORT CHOCOLATES!
in the square packaging! white whole hazelnuts and raisins & hazelnuts! not my fave cornflakes, but still.
its yummy(x10)! tyvm!!!
15 December 2008i turned fifteen years old!!!!(TT.TT) so old already................ sian.
and my mom once again proves that she doesnt believe in celebrating birthdays.
i spent the day clearing a room for rental, rearranging furniture, cleaning the house and getting smothered in dust.and she was totally in a horrible mood.
i cannot forget a question she asked me during the day halfway thru cleaning:
"今天几号啊?"i was totally sian diao when i answered her....
actually its one of three worst birthdays i had in my memory:
1. i spent the day bored and then went to a FUNERAL. .........................................
2. i spent the day cleaning the house and helping out and my dinner was leftover brown rice. ...
3. this year's birthday.it was definitely a very tiring and irritable day.
and its not totally mom's wrong luh, considering tt my birthday exists becos of her, my birthday is the day she suffered.
.......... she never fails to surprise me de lah, sometimes will suddenly got surprise de. (-.-)
and i realise that its kinda weird on my birthday i get no presents and only before and after then got. (O.O)
16 December 2008i went to the zoo!!! yay! XDwith juehai de ppl! last time went was 3 years ago with a few of the same ppl. hahas.
celebrated my birthday hee and presents! hahas.
the zoo changed quite alot the structure, design and blahh. and its for the better! (^-^)

the entrance changed~!


they were cute! but noisy and smelly.

they are very beautiful!! white tigers!

美女 and the cute birdie.

hahas the kid just ran in. looks squashed. hahas.

gang fight??

hahas its tail was super.

the baby is cute!

the first thought tt crossed my mind when i saw this animal:
KING JULIAN: "hi everybody, im your new king~"
Madagascar! ahahas.

this flower the inside stuff look like candies!

happy birthday!

hahas this cake i eat for the third time this year. my godbrother's and my sis' bday.
the most available vege cake in emicakes mah. but its super yummy. (>.<)

no IM NOT TOUCHED. until im wiping away tears.
im cleaning my face of the chocolate they daubed on my face... ):

im serving! i still have no idea why.

evil ppl. i havent even finish eating my cake and they did this.
treat my face as a canvas and start duabing chocolate on it. even my hair!

rubbed chocolate in my eye harh? the rest of the day my eyes were suffering.
then make my face and hair all oily. YOU WATCH OUT.

zzzz washing my face of the oily stuff. )X

bimbos. -.-

this pic is cute! (except for tt zho deng pole)

............... shihui: model of the day (???)

kidzworld!!! become very pretty and very fun! hahs.



editing credits to yitian!

?? taken by shihui. was waiting to take a photo lah...


lol. i no dress.

this was fun fun fun! pull along the rope to move the boat! hahas.

i look retarded...-.-

final group photo! (why it was at the horse carriage. i have no idea. -.-|||)

and finally, PRESENTS!
Shihui's present:HANDMADE SCRAPBOOK!!!
hahas another present from her, this time is personal de. its very pretty! all she make herself de.
hahas my 2009 organiser~ THANK YOU LAOPO!(x10)
(hahas i duno why the pics are upside down)

Reyna and Rennie's present:HANDMADE ACCESORY!
cool right cool right!! they make themselves de eh!! tyvm! im touched! hahas. xie xie!

Shuqing and Zhiguang's present:NIKE SHOEBAG!
woah i tio stun. hahas thanks!
Bingyou's present:EEYORE PLUSHIE! super cute!!!
tio stun also. would expect him to give a book or something. hahas thanks thanks! (:

Bryan's present:10 DOLLARS.
ahahas. he gave shihui $10 help me buy present. in the end shihui just gave me the $10.
hahas funny. but $10 is useful!! XD tyty!
Other ppl's present:THE CAKE!
hahas everyone chipped in mah. (^_^)
the zoo pics atill got more! ("v")waiting for rennie to send me then i'll post! and obviously i omitted lots of animal photos. or else will post until tml. ......
alot of presents right! hahas i shocked too. never never got so many presents before. (^-^)
monkey havent give yet too! and wenqi i think.
AND HUIMIN OWES ME TOO. XDbwahahahahahahaha.
come to think of it, ive been eating like a whale this few days. (yes. a whale. i usually eat like a pig, this time even worse mah.)
die. im now 48kg. whoopsie.eat too much junk food. stuffed liao still eat. zzz...
my birthday wish is for everyone to be happy and not emo or sad! (:ahahas this sort of rounds off my birthday for this year! XD
hahas i gtg liao lah.
i took duno how many hours to post this loooooooooong post lor, cos my firefox keeps crashing. D:
FIFTEEN YEARS OLD,;thepeabrainner
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