obsessed. (O.O)
Saturday, January 31, 2009 | 1:12 AM
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is it just my imagination, or is singapore really having more and more koreans... (-.-)"-
yeah this is lame. but~ i realise, in my short trip to bukit panjang plaza and back home just now, i saw:
on bus 176: a korean family of 3.
in macdonalds: a korean family of 3 and 3 korean friends.near my house: 2 korean kids.it's like ............... i remember there didnt used to be so many koreans existing in singapore... (O.O)
and then all of a sudden i realise the amount of koreans that take the 963 bus...
at least 8. (-.-)|||
ok this one im quite sure is last time i never notice. hahas.
learning korean is fun~!!! but, the problem is i dont even know if im pronouncing some words correctly...
hahas nvm i shall ask the korean students frm suncheon maesan middle school nxt tuesday! XD
getting overly obsessed to the point that im
envious of people born in korea... LOL! (>.<)
i have a confession to make.
i have become a fan of lee jun ki!(omg!)

oopsie~ (X
he's really a very nice, real and hardworking person, not like those 耍大牌 de actors/singers.
Korean Greetings~!안녕하세요 (An-nyung-ha-se-yo):
Hello, actually also means how are you. (no matter it is morning, afternoon or night.)
안녕하심니까 (An-nyung-ha-shim-ni-kka):
How are you? (formal)
잘 지넸습니까 (Jal ji-nes-sum-ni-kka):
How are you? (less formal but still polite)
(Choe-neun Chenxi ye yo.):
My name is Chenxi. (i apologise i cant find
한글 for this one... cos my comp cant type
한글!! D:
만나서 반갑습니다 (Ma-na-soe pan-gap-seum-ni-da):
Nice to meet you.
잘 자요 (Jal-ja yo):
Good night. (means sleep well!)
안녕히 가세요 (An-nyung-hi ka-se-yo):
Good-bye, said when someone leaves and u stay.
안녕히 계세요 (An-nyung-hi-ke-se-yo):
Good-bye, said when u leave and someone stays.
안녕 (An-nyung):
Hello or Good-bye. (less formal, never said to someone older or unfamiliar)
다음에 봐요 (da-u-me ba-yo):
See you next time!
heh heh. XD
다음에 봐요!;thepeabrainner
ps. i really wonder if i will pass my maths and bio tests nxt week... (>.<)
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Thursday, January 29, 2009 | 5:14 AM
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oh no im stuck in it again, hopefully this time it won't be as worse as the last.
( my new blog song, love it(x100). )
( i got a set of korean textbooks frm jiaolian. yeah~고맙습니다(Ko-map-sup-ni-da)
! :D )
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Wednesday, January 28, 2009 | 4:49 AM
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annyeong)ok at least i changed the blogskin altho i didnt update... (-.-)
will update about CNY nxt time. it was quite "sucky", my first time having CNY in singapore.
having it in malaysia is way way
way better~ (>.<)
hahas korean students coming to our school nxt tuesday! woo~ ahahas. XD
i signed up to host them for the day!! heh. but then i duno if liddat jiu can liao, if later got some interview or wateva crap thn jiu sian liao.
but then~ im still excited. i will have a korean friend then. hee hee. (X
(pls, do pardon me for my mad obsession.)
tml pon school for most of the day again cos need to perform lion dance for LTA thingy. YEAH.
sadly, i realise that school is really not my cup of tea. (X_X)
잘 자요,(jal ja-yo, to say good night, meaning sleep well!);thepeabrainner
[i can write my own name and many other ppl's name in korean
한글 (Hangul)! XD ]
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Saturday, January 24, 2009 | 1:07 AM
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(annyeong haseyo)
i damn long never blog le! hahas.
recently i have acquired a mad or u could say er, unhealthy obsession over korean. (oops.)
ahahas i have been learning alot of korean from the net. its really fun! (^-^) but i still take a long time to read 한글 (Hangul).
hahas and i even know got how many koreans take 963 bus! but i know de is all guys... (>.<)
but then the most fascinating thing about them is not tt they are 帅/cute or whatever(they really aren't anyway. -.-) but is tt they are korean!
(X hahas mad.
죄송합니다 (joe so hamnida), but lately i will be er, using random korean words in my conversations and stuff. XP
... i dont really feel like blogging about anything else. lazy. zzz.
ehh, i have been learning frm quite a few webs but then i think this one's more effective:
Learn Korean for Beginnershahas u can go see if u're interested. but its not tt easy lah to be truthful. (^v^)
this is random, took this ages ago but i just got it frm laopo :D:

nono, and i haven't forgotten about i yet,
사랑해요! ❤ok and sadly that this is the first CNY i shall spend in singapore. D:
안녕히 계세요!
(annyeong hikeseyo);thepeabrainner
ps. I SHALL GO 한국 (han-gyuk) KOREA ONE DAY~
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chop chop.
Friday, January 16, 2009 | 7:03 AM
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❤사랑해, 일지매~!!!(guess! its not tt hard to figure what it means.)
hahas woo~ i rewatched a few parts again, couldnt resist the temptation. XD
just dropping in to er, liven the blog up abit, cos i havent got alot of time to blog. (>.<)
ok so:
- lion dance performed today, it was great!
- we gonna perform on sunday again for CIP.
- we gonna perform
again nxt friday on CNY celebrations.
how busy. hahas but happy. (^-^)
i admit its very hard(duh). learnt the basic steps. francis joined in too! (:
my legs are feeling 酸-ness and abit strained at a weird place that is impossible to stretch or reach. its like
within~ u know. .....
so happy i finally get to learn! but half eager half 恐惧.... cos i have a kind of omnimous feeling tt it will be immensely frustrating...
hahas i shall be patient and hardworking. (^v^)
suddenly i got alot of things wanna say. but. i gotta go sleep le.
tml need to 大扫除. DXTO WUSHU WITH LOVE,;thepeabrainner
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009 | 5:33 AM
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(i just copied the whole post frm wushu blog hahas. anyway also i write de. lazy mah. XD )
翻墙排行榜Wall Conquerors' Hall of Fame(girls)
Wenqi4. Songning
5. Chantal
6. Yishyuan
7. Ziyi
8. Chenxi
Reasons why they conquered:1.
Yueling : macho
Vanessa : super macho
Wenqi : clever
4. Songning : MACHO. totally use strength. (she was pretending to be small and frail all along)
5. Chantal : technique (+ legs super long)
6. Yishyuan : another macho
7. Ziyi : weird unglam technique (haha)
8. Chenxi : technique
all this within less than a month! woohoo~ :D soon all the girls will get up the wall! hahas. SO COOL RIGHT? XDrealised that the area behind the grandstand, the monkey bars, suicide window, wall has become a favourite haunt of rvwushu-ers.
almost everyone will go there to slack/play/"train" after trainings now. heh so fun! i love monkey bars!
and there's a total of 3 preformances coming up. IM TAKING OVER ALVINA. she isnt here liao...
CNY performance de music is i choose and edit de! hahahahahaha. people u will realise tt once u hear it if u know me. (X
AND WE SAW LUO LAOSHI! YAY. (^o^)terribly miss her lor. (>.<)
i look forward to a fun year ahead with rvwushuxst! ;D-
oh yeah and i starting to learn korean~! including the writing! wooooooo~ XD
i've added a new section in my book in addition to
<My Korean Drama Records/我的韩剧>.
it is
<My Korean Dictionary/我的韩语小字典>! hahas credits to huijie whom i copied the "notes" frm and to grace who taught huijie. :D
i watched another 2 korean movies by lee jun ki lately!"王的男人."the one that made him super famous like years ago.
ok ppl say he look super chio super girl inside, but i think still ok lah. still too much man to look
that chio.
on the whole i would say the movie is quite nice, but er, i didnt really understand alot of the stuff luh.... (-.-)|||

"飞吧,爸爸."(Fly, Daddy, Fly)GREAT MOVIE. i loved it. i loved it.
很不错的电影! i recommend! hahas this one is totally understandable. and quite touching. XD

FLY~~~~~~~~~!!! XDboth recommended by tony again hahas. "My Girl" also he recommend de. he say lee jun ki's works are great.
AND I HAVE TO AGREE. my korean favourites are like his dramas can... esp.
一枝梅!!!watch too much of his dramas/movies liao. didnt really paid any attention to him at first de.
now im starting to like lee jun ki. hahas. i think his acting is quite superb. (^-^)
considering watching his other works like "狗与狼的时间". though heard tt its not really a happy ending and i dont fancy tragedies.
duno.. 再说再说... (^v^)
TO WUSHU WITH LOVE,;thepeabrainner
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bet you all missed me.
Thursday, January 08, 2009 | 3:54 AM
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HELLO PEOPLES~!!!与世隔绝了那么久,我终于回来了! ahahahas. i bet all of you missed me online. XD
i did get to use the comp these few weeks, but then hor i wasnt bothering to blog or go online.
and the biggest reason is this:

out of like the 10 korean dramas i have watched on the net so far.
THIS IS MY ULTIMATE FAVOURITE. (>.<)omgomgomg. it rocks! its fantastic! its wonderful! its perfect! its the ultimate~! XD
I RECOMMEND EVERY SINGLE PERSON TO GO WATCH 一枝梅!!!super duper uber nice!!!! XD
一枝梅 is my idol! wooooo~~!!! i love the show~~~!!!
"My Girl (我的女孩)""Hello! My Lady (Hello!小姐)""Dal Ja's Spring (达子的春天)""Love Truly (真的真的喜欢你)""Wonderful Life (美妙人生)""Taste Sweet Love (白雪公主)""Full House (浪漫满屋)""(为什么来我家)"
"Who Are You? (你是谁?)""(一枝梅)" <33
and then~~ *drumrolls~~~*

not exactly the best pictures i could find. but yeah.
its uber fantastic.
its really a good movie, not only the fighting parts, but also the part where u can glean something.
totally awesome, especially if u practice wushu, u really learn ALOT.
damn 帅 can~! the stuff he said and everything else. really great!
1. Twilight
2. Madagascar 2
3. Bedtime Stories
4. The Tale of Desperaux
5. Beverly Hills Chihuahuas
6. Ice Age 3
7. Ip Man (叶问)
8. Bolt (the dog!!!)
9. Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea
i added a new movie to the list!!! wooo~~!!!
悬崖上的波儿 by
宫崎峻!I MUST WATCH THIS ONE. i totally love his movies to the core. they rock(x1000)!!! XD
im totally stun diao that alot of ppl actually duno who is
宫崎峻 lor. how can one not know?? (._.)
hes like the greatest animator of all times lah, and his works are SUPER. (:
yeah and
school's started.and miraculously i have not slept during lessons at all for these few days!!! (except pdp lesson -.-)
but there wasnt much point keeping awake anyway.
cos i spent the first few (maths)lessons in total stun-ness as nothing made sense to me. (-.-)|||
lion dance today!!! (^-^)
after that i taught alot of ppl how to climb atop the monkey bars! wahahahahahahaha. (X
thank me ppl~ yeah! XD
tml go climb again! hahas. love it. we took pics!
ahahas me and my "students"! XD

incidentally i am: 1) not crazy, 2) not abnormal, 3) perfectly right in the mind doing a split up there.

oh yeah and i received damn alot of super belated bday pressies. hahas.
THANK YOU EVERYONE, AND BIKINI BOTTOM!loved the new flip-flops. and ritter sport cornflake!!! heh.
my new year resolution is to:
do my homework??? (空头支票来的)
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